Time of gold and Finnestorp sacrifice site

During 2000-2004 and 2008-2012 investigations were carried out at Offerplats Finnestorp. A site that turned out to contain a find material that belongs to the category - 'the finest and most exquisite objects from Sweden's pre-Christian era' and it belongs to one of the more important remains from the Nordic prehistory. At the Finnestorp Sacrifice Site, warriors upon warriors have been sacrificed along with their war stallions and precious weapons. These mighty men whose arsenal consisted of magnificent gilded swords, lances and shining golden horse equipment. Items of royal value, made by the most skilled craftsmen in Europe at the time. The ongoing research work includes international comparisons and publication of the research work in the form of a major scientific book (Vol. I, III) and popular science book (Vol. II). During 2020-2021, work has progressed with the work on the manuscripts for two book volumes on Finnestorp. These are practical work I - 'Finds in focus' and practical work II - a "Coffee Table Book". In addition, work III presents the results of the side projects that concerned, among other things, the gold neck collar from Möne and the gold neck ring from Bragnum. The isotope analyses concern studies of horse and human teeth. A selection of analyses has been carried out and shows that several of the sacrificed horses originate from different regions, such as north and west of Västergötland. The osteological analyses concern 4000 skeletal fragments and the results have been compiled.