Professorships in law

Donations and grants for professorships in law, economics and political philosophy.

The Foundation enables two professorships in the in the field of law, one of which is interdisciplinary and also involves economics and and political philosophy (state theory). The Foundation's professorships are at Stockholm University and Lund University.

Torsten and Ragnar Söderberg Professorship in Legal Studies

Photo Staffan Westerlund

The chair was jointly established by the Torsten Söderberg Foundation and the Ragnar Söderberg Foundation on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Faculty of Law at Stockholm University in 2007. The donation of SEK 25 million finances a research professorship in law that can be held by professors at the faculty for a maximum period of four years. During this period, the holder will normally devote all his/her time to research and is thus relieved of his/her teaching obligation.


Stockholm University


25 million (jointly with the Ragnar Söderberg Foundation)



Subject matter



Mauro Zamboni (2024-2027), press release
Department of Law

Previous holders

Peter Wahlgren (2019-2023), Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt (2015-2018), Petter Asp (2011-2014), Claes Sandgren (2007-2010).

Torsten and Ragnar Söderberg Foundation Chair in memory of Samuel von Pufendorf

Photo Kennet Ruona.

The chair will promote research in the spirit of the famous Lund professor Samuel von Pufendorf and strive for a peaceful order. The chair can be held by a professor at Lund University, primarily in the fields of law, economics and political philosophy (state theory). The chair is held for a maximum period of four years.


Lund University


20 million (jointly with the Ragnar Söderberg Foundation)



Subject matter

Law, economics, political philosophy


Titti Mattsson (2024-2028), Department of Law

Previous holders

Christian Dahlman (2020-2024), Karin Aggestam (2016-2020), Gregor Noll (2012-2016), Håkan Hydén (2008-2011), Kjell Åke Modéer (2005-2007), Aleksander Peczenik (2003-2004)