Peder Herzog - Jewish migrant, successful entrepreneur

The Center for Business History is conducting a combined research-preparatory archive and book project to shed light on Peder Herzog as an entrepreneur and the companies he started and ran during his life. Herzog worked as an immigrant entrepreneur during a dynamic period of the emergence of modern Sweden. He operated in an industry, printing, that was characterized by strong growth and new technological innovations that developed book and newspaper reading into a mass market. Studies of this development and the actors are lacking except for small parts that are included in other research. The biography of Peder Herzog as a person has so far been only modestly elucidated. The project is carried out in two stages, the first of which is to inventory and compile material from various public and private archives. A selection will also be digitized and published on the internet as a complement to the content of the book. In the second stage, a book is produced with the writer Per T H Dahl as author and richly illustrated with images and original documents from the archives.