Project Manager
Husebye, AlexanderProject manager
The Center for Business History AssociationAmount granted
100 000 SEKYear
The Center for Business History is conducting a book project telling the life of Per Olof (Pelle) Söderberg. Pelle Söderberg is one of several successful entrepreneurs who characterized the Swedish business community in the 19th century, as well as a leading figure in the Söderberg family. The project also aims to fill a gap - Sweden's economic development in the 19th century has been described in general terms, especially in economic history, but biographies of individual entrepreneurs are all the more rare.
The project is divided into three stages: the first stage involves research focusing on sources that have not been used so far (private material, public archives, newspapers, etc.); the second stage involves text production; the third stage involves layout and printing. In the course of the project, two seminars will be organized to evaluate sources and scripts.
The book on Pelle Söderberg will be published by Förlaget Näringslivshistoria and presented at the Gothenburg Book Fair in 2018.