Creation of an additional academic chair in medicine

The Torsten Söderberg Foundation and the Ragnar Söderberg Foundation are currently funding five research professorships in medicine and the Torsten Söderberg Foundation itself is funding two academic professorships (one of which is being filled) in medicine at the level of SEK 2 million per year for five years. There is a great need for this type of research position where proven outstanding professors are given the opportunity to further strengthen and develop their research and is needed to further strengthen Swedish research in the light of international developments. The professorship will promote internationally leading research in the medical field by enabling the holder to devote full-time to research for five years at a Swedish medical faculty. The holder of the professorship will be appointed based on the documented scientific quality of the research carried out. Particular emphasis is placed on research carried out during the last five-year period. The quality of the research program, the degree of innovation and the importance for the development of medical research will also be assessed.