Project Manager
by klinteberg, KristinaAmount granted
110 000 SEKYear
2017A long-standing interest and collection of both antique and modern hair jewelry, with provenance from large parts of Europe, has provided a specialized expertise that is incorporated into general cultural history knowledge. The resulting book, "Jewelry as a Mainstay", thus provides an interesting and educational overview of how material and cultural history has developed in the field. Explanatory pictures of manufacture, design and use provide a vivid insight into the use of hair jewelry by the broader social strata in both joy and sorrow. The book combines theoretical and practical learning that appeals to both knowledge seekers and practical users. In addition to approving the content and language, peer reviewers have also pointed out the lack of this segment in existing literature and other knowledge dissemination; both Swedish and English-language literature focuses solely on the precious royal jewelry and not, as this, on a broader cultural history and use by larger groups of the population.