Röhsska Museum opens the Torsten and Wanja Söderberg Hall

In February 2022, the entire Röhsska Museum in Gothenburg will open to the public. As part of the new initiative, a completely new hall for research, exhibition and reading has been created - the Torsten and Wanja Söderberg Hall. The room has been named after Torsten and Wanja Söderberg to honor their commitment to the museum and to Nordic design and craftsmanship.

The Torsten and Wanja Söderberg Hall provides a platform for developing interdisciplinary collaboration between research and museum practice and for sharing knowledge with museum visitors.

- Research often ends up in its own bubble, without the public being able to access it. This is a way to make the research in our collections available to more people," says Nina Due, Director of the museum.

Torsten and Wanja Söderberg's room will also serve as a reading room with, among other things, international journals and digital in-depth studies of Nordic designers. Research projects will also be presented in the room. As an introduction, Dr. Christian Björk's research on the interior design company Boet and the furniture architect and entrepreneur Otto Schulz, made possible by the Torsten Söderberg Foundation, will be presented.

Parts of the interior of the Torsten and Wanja Söderberg Hall are based on designs by recipients of the Torsten and Wanja Söderberg Nordic Prize in Design and Crafts.  

The Torsten Söderberg Foundation has contributed to the completion of the hall through a donation to the museum.