Project Manager
Elin MankerProject manager
Appell PublishingAmount granted
50 000 SEKYear
The project 'Selma Giöbel and Swedish Art Nouveau Textiles' examines Art Nouveau textiles as a commodity and design phenomenon in Sweden between 1885-1915. The fact that many craftsmen around the turn of the 20th century worked in the borderland between an artistic career and an industrial practice is today a relatively well-known phenomenon. The fact that they also worked to a large extent through trading in various ways is less studied. Based on Selma Giöbel's (1843-1925) activities as a textile craftswoman and owner of various trading businesses, the project examines how textiles functioned as a commodity and design practice in Sweden. The project thus sheds light on a time and activity that laid the foundations for today's design culture. The study creates an in-depth understanding of how design, craftsmanship and trade had a synergistic effect on each other and shows how textile entrepreneurship around the turn of the century 1900 worked in practice. The research is based on studies of a large amount of archival material that has so far remained unexplored. Through a publication in book form, a more in-depth picture of the practical work of textile design in combination with traders at the turn of the last century will be conveyed to a wide audience.