Project Manager
Håkan HåkanssonProject manager
Lund UniversityAmount granted
125 000 SEKYear
The Ravensbrück Archive is one of the world's most comprehensive testimonies to the Nazi crimes against humanity. Immediately after the end of the war, a large number of interviews were conducted with Holocaust survivors, describing their experiences in the concentration camps of the Nazi regime. Within the framework of the Witnessing Genocide project, the University Library has made the interviews digitally available via a web portal that opened in 2017 and currently has about 10,000 unique users per year. The intention is also that all Polish-language interviews will be translated into English, a task that is taking longer than expected due to the often difficult-to-read handwriting. To streamline the translation process, our ambition is therefore to have an experienced native Polish transcriber transcribe the original text, which would free up the translator's time and significantly increase his capacity. However, this service does not fit within our current budget, so we are applying to the Torsten Söderberg Foundation for an additional grant.