Publication of Sturlunga saga in three volumes

Sturlunga saga is the name of a coherent compilation of so-called contemporary sagas or chronicles from 13th century Iceland. It is an extensive work - about 1000 pages of running text - which has never before appeared in Swedish translation. Sturlunga saga describes the feuds between the great chieftain families of the time, including the family of the historian and poet Snorri Sturluson. Sturlunga saga is one of the most important works of medieval Nordic literature. In recent years, Sturlunga saga has attracted increasing interest from both scholars and contemporary fiction writers. Sturlunga saga is an extraordinarily important Nordic source for knowledge of the economic, social and political conditions of the period. The entire work exists in a preliminary translation by Sten Kindlundh, who died in 2019. The translator submitted his Sturlunga manuscript to the editors of Islänningasagorna I-V (2014) a few months before his death. The present translation requires thorough and extensive editing and processing in order to be published in a planned three-volume edition - as well as a commentary section. This work has been initiated by Gunnar D Hansson, Kristinn Jóhannesson and Joakim Lilljegren.