The market society of the future

The post-war open market-based society is today facing significant changes. Long-term societal challenges such as climate change, geopolitical changes and the ongoing digitalization create both opportunities and challenges, while sudden shocks such as the ongoing pandemic or the global financial crisis put today's market society to the test. Within the framework of a larger research program that aims to generate new knowledge, understanding and capacity for strategic action to build a long-term sustainable future market society, this project finances four doctoral students' dissertations. Two of these are already defined and deal with how political considerations can influence individual consumers' consumption behavior, and how consumers' returns of goods can be reduced in digital commerce. The other two PhD students will be recruited in 2022 to one of the three research themes of the overall program: (1) The emergence of the platform economy: the new global intermediaries and the market society they build; (2) The transformation of the market society: strategies for digital and sustainable market ecosystems; and (3) The future of marketing: strategic marketing in a world of influencers, nudges and algorithms.