Project Manager
Magnus LodefalkProject manager
Örebro UniversityAmount granted
1 358 250 SEKYear
Artificial intelligence (AI) has made great strides and is expected to fundamentally reshape the labor market. However, in the absence of longitudinal micro data on firms and workers, research on the effects of AI is somewhat contradictory, showing associations rather than causal links between AI and, for example, employment.
In this data-driven project, we break new ground. We focus on key factors behind the labor market effects of AI for the knowledge-intensive service sector. We study firms' and employees' exposure and adaptation to different types of AI in four selected countries over two decades, using methods from economics and computer science and a unique micro-level data set. We measure the development and adoption of AI. We then describe and identify general and specific effects of AI in the short and long term. The goal is to contribute with solid knowledge about how different groups of knowledge-intensive service companies and employees are affected by AI. This is needed to enable politicians, authorities, companies and employees to make informed, balanced and future-oriented decisions. Knowledge-intensive services are central to the infrastructure of our modern society and are undergoing a digital transformation thanks to advances in AI. We highlight how AI affects labor demand, job content, skills offered/demanded, and income - in short, what are the key factors that can help workers and employers thrive in tomorrow's world of work.