Project Manager
Andersson, PerProject manager
Stockholm School of EconomicsAmount granted
1 140 000 SEKYear
Mobile phones are playing an increasingly central role in people's private and professional lives. At the same time, the development of new mobile services has also taken a very central role in the overall digital service development. This project focuses on the links between the development of new mobile services, service innovation processes and the creation of new markets. Special interest is given to new mobile services and innovation processes with a potential to change market structures. These include new mobile payment services involving a variety of market players: mobile phone companies, bank and card companies, retailers and others. These and other new mobile services, often linked to new mobile technologies and standards, are creating new patterns of competition and cooperation in the market. They are also driving entrepreneurship in markets and the creation of entirely new businesses. This project aims to develop knowledge on how new mobile services and service innovation processes are linked to the formation of new markets and industrial structures.