Women take their place. Architects in 100 years. Gothenburg 1920-2020

Gothenburg's architectural history over the past 100 years has been characterized by a large number of university-educated architects. In the early 1900s, the profession was practiced exclusively by men, while today more than half of all architects in Sweden are women. The working title of the project is Architects in Gothenburg in a hundred years. Women take place in the 20th century. The previous book Arkitekter och fasader. Göteborg 1850-1920 described the period until women in Sweden were allowed to train as architects in the 1920s. This project highlights some 40 architects, all women, whose work has shaped Gothenburg at different times and highlights the development of the architectural profession and Gothenburg's architectural history over 100 years. Archival research and in-depth interviews form the basis for a number of short professional biographies. Historical pioneers such as Dagmar Hall, Anna Lous Mohr and Ingrid Wallberg have been highlighted in previous research. Several living architects born as early as the 1920s and 1930s have been interviewed. For example, Ingegerd Ågren and her long activity starting in the 1940s is highlighted through interviews and documents. There is very little written about women architects in Gothenburg during the latter half of the 20th century and up to our time. Several of the youngest architects interviewed in the study will probably be active long after Gothenburg's 400th anniversary in 2021. The research will be published as a book in 2020, Kvinnor tar plats. Architects in 100 years. Gothenburg 1920-2020.