Electronic contracts

This is an application for continuation funding. The original project was based on a book "Kommunikationsrätt i det elektronisk medielandskapet" from 2013 but was particularly focused on issues concerning agreements and contracts. One paper has so far been prepared within the framework of the project, namely Näthat, which was published in Svensk Juristtidning. Furthermore, a small book is being finalized that is related to the above work. Furthermore, a new publication of the above book is in progress, which can be assumed to go to print in the middle of 2018. Conclusions that have been drawn from the research to date are that the communication perspective is particularly valuable for, for example, comparisons between similar rules in different legal subject areas. Legislative work is also underway in the EU regarding the provision of digital content (COM(2015) 634 final) and certain aspects of contracts for the sale of goods online and other distance sales of goods (COM(2015) 635 final), and a final position is expected to be taken in the fall of 2017. The last part of the research project, which focuses specifically on contractual issues, is therefore expected to be completed in 2018.